Understand Five Ant Species You NEVER Want To See In Your Home additional
Currently, there are about 700 different species of ant living throughout North America - and each has its own preferences in habitat, food, behaviors, and more. Because of the diversity of the species, and the fact that each has its own set of survival skills many pest inspectors are calling "ants", collectively, the number one pest in the industry.
Fortunately, of these 700 species of ant, the majority of them do not prefer living in human habitats, and only a few dozen are likely to be found inside a home or other human residence, and many others (such as pavement ants) may only forage inside the home, while their nests are located outside.
That being said, there are a handful of ant species you absolutely do not want to find in the home - that can make life miserable for everyone living with them.
In particular, be wary of these five pest ant species:
1. Odorous House Ants: This is a moisture-loving species of ant that is often found in homes around hot water heaters and water pipes. Colonies of these pests can from 100-10,000 specimens.
Why They're Notorious: When crushed, these ants release a pungent, unpleasant odor - one that's generally described as smelling like rotten coconut.
2. White-Footed Ants: This is Asian-imported species is limited in range right now, with infestations concentrated to southern and central Florida. However, this species is already moving northwards and is expected to become a growing issue.
Why They're Notorious: These ants create vast colonies! A single colony can have several hundred queens, multiple subcolonies, and more than a million ants in a colony. Eliminating an entire colony can be quite the battle!
3. Argentine Ants: Argentine ants are a moisture-loving species, commonly located under logs, debris, mulch, and concrete slabs. During the cold season, they often move indoors, preferring sweets, fats, and oils for food.
Why They're Notorious: This species can grow their colonies to enormous sizes, with extremely large territories that can invade the home, outlying buildings, and even parked cars. Colonies can have multiple queens, many subcolonies, and colonies that number in the millions.
4. Pharaoh Ants: This ant is yellow-colored with a reddish abdomen, preferring to feed on grease and proteins. They're commonly found around baseboards and in wall voids, especially of the area is warm and damp.
Why They're Notorious: While their colonies are not generally as large as Argentine or White-Footed ants (up to 300,000 ants), studies have found that these ants can cross-contaminate surfaces with disease-causing bacteria. Pest sprays can actually prompt surviving worker ants to morph into queens, making the problem worse than ever!
5. Imported Fire Ants: These ants have red upper bodies and a dark brown or black abdomen. They readily eat a wide variety of foods, and build nests that represent large, round mounds of soil. Since they entered North America in the 1920s, these ants have spread rapidly, and currently infest more than 300 million acres of land.
Why They're Notorious: This is one serious pest! Fire ant stings are painful and cause swelling - and have been connected to at least 80 human deaths. To those allergic to their stings, symptoms include sweating, slurred speech, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and anaphylactic shock. On top of that, they've been found to be attracted to electrical fields, and can create a very real fire hazard in your home.
NAPCA (The North American Pest Control Alliance) is an international network of highly-qualified pest control experts that serve throughout North America.
Five Ant Species You NEVER Want To See In Your Home
Study What Causes Body Odor? extra
Body odor is usually brought about when a person begins to sweat, and therefore it is commonly believed that it is the sweating that causes body odor. However, it is not the sweat that causes the odor to occur, but rather it is caused by the toxins that are present in the sweat as it is being eliminated from the body.
The body has two different types of sweat glands; the eccrine glands, which are located over the skin's surface, and the apocrine glands which are located in the underarm and groin areas.
The eccrine glands are designed to control the body temperature, and thus they normally do not produce an offensive odor.
But the apocrine glands are designed to remove harmful toxins from the body, and thus the sweat they produce is often offensive, as it is full of harmful toxins. According to studies, the sweat that comes from the apocrine glands is high in protein, which comes from meat and other animal proteins.
The apocrine glands do not begin to function until puberty, which is why young children do not have to worry about body odor.
If the body is clean on the inside, then the sweat it produces will be odorless. But if the body is toxic, then the toxins are eliminated through sweating, and as a result a foul odor occurs. So where do these toxins come from?
Red meat is one of the worst foods for causing foul body odor. It has too many proteins that the body cannot use, and thus they become toxic and give off an offensive odor as they are eliminated from the body.
Other foods that cause body odor are fast foods, processed foods, as well as foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats.
Certain foods that are extremely healthy such as onions, garlic, ginger and curry powders also contribute to a foul odor.
Certain diseases can also cause body odor to arise. These include diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney and liver problems, tumors in the stomach or mouth, uterine cancers, gastrointestinal disorders, skin infections, urinary tract infections, metabolic disorders and obesity.
There are also many medications that contribute to body odor. These include drugs that cause the body to sweat excessively such as aspirin, morphine, anti-psychotic drugs, and drugs to treat a high fever.
Some drugs are dehydrating, which reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth. Not enough saliva allows for more harmful bacteria to breed, which then contributes to body odor. Some of these drugs include antidepressants, antihistamines, certain dieting pills, certain blood pressure pills and certain birth control pills.
OdorFor more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. You can also find me on Hubpages
What Causes Body Odor?
OdorExamine Why Ant Bait Is the Best Method to Exterminate Ants in Your Home? additional
Ants have been the cause of homeowner headaches for many years. These tiny insects always seem to find their way into your home or invade a beautifully set picnic. There are 5 species of ants that are common in the United States. The Argentina Ant, the Carpenter Ant, the Odorous House Ant, the Pavement Ant, and the infamous Red Fire Ant. Most of these ants, excluding the fire ant, do not pose an immediate health threat; however, they can contaminate your food by leaving droppings so it is important to get rid of them for your own peace of mind.
Bait vs. Spray
There are several ways to exterminate ants that have invaded your home the most common being an insecticide spray. This method is good but using ant bait is better. Usually when you see an ant in your home, he is a forager. There to take a look around your house and see if there is anything worth coming back for and nine times out of ten there is. By using bait, you are able to trick that forager into taking the bait back to its colony and essentially killing the queen and the whole colony. This is why bait is best while an insecticide spray may kill the forager bait will kill the colony.
Different Types of Ant Bait
When it comes to ant bait there are numerous varieties and brands out there.Most of these baits have a slow acting chemical in them so that it gives the ant enough time to make it back to its colony and infect the other ants before it kills. The great thing about bait is that it's typically odorless and environmentally friendly and will not harm children or pets. Some of the different forms ant bait comes in are
· Gel which comes in the form of a tube and should be applied to small crevices in your home
· Granules are great for carpenter ants or fire ants and can be applied on the mound or inside cracks in your home where the ants may be entering.
· Bait Stations should be placed where ants have been seen and on their trail. This allows you access to the ants and ensures they will take the bait back to the colony.
· A Fire Ant Trap that is run on sunlight and attracts fire ants using electricity. Once the ants are inside they fall into the container where they essentially fight themselves to death. Once the ants are dead you can simple empty the container and use it again in another troublesome area.
In conclusion, ants are one of the most annoying insects out there. They creep into your house looking for food and even bring back more uninvited guest once they find a food source. They best way to get rid of them is with ant bait. That way you ensure no more unwanted guest come parading into your home.
Odorous House AntsSam Gerald has written many articles on home improvement. His main areas of expertise include landscaping and pest control. He has extensive experience in the use of pest control products such as ant bait and ant traps. To learn more please visit domyownpestcontrol.com
Why Ant Bait Is the Best Method to Exterminate Ants in Your Home?
Odorous House AntsStudy Bloat and Flatulence in Senior Dogs a lot more
Let's face it...It's not a pretty subject. But dog flatulence or doggie gas can be an important indicator of serious problems for a senior dog. Some breeds are more prone to this room-clearing disorder than others. Understanding that bloat could be a serious problem rather than just an odorous annoyance is essential.
Not every gas episode is the sign of a disorder. Most dogs do have gas from time to time. Some foods are not tolerated well by the canine digestive system such as dairy products, table scraps and spoiled meat. Often a dog that "wolfs" down his dinner has more flatulence trouble because he has swallowed too much air while eating. Drinking large quantities of water at one time will have a similar affect. Also dogs with a high-strung temperament can have trouble if they are prone to hyperventilate. Some breeds are more gassy than others. Large breed, deep-chested dogs such as hounds, Dobermans, retrievers, Shepards and St. Bernards are more likely to experience episodic gas and bloat.
If you have a senior dog, it is more susceptible to flatulence. Because his intestines progressively lose muscle tone it becomes a more common occurrence than when your pet was younger. If it continues it could become a more serious form of bloat where the stomach becomes abnormally enlarged and start to twist. This is a very painful condition for a dog and can cause death.
Prevention of bloat for the senior dog:
Feed small meals 2-3 times a day.
Don't let your dog drink too much water too quickly.
Mild exercise or walking after meals is good but extreme activity, excitement and stress should be avoid 1 hour before and 2 hours after eating. Dogs should not roll over after eating.
Avoid feeding foods that are know to cause gas such as peas, onions, beans, dairy and soy.
Consult veterinarian regarding adding yogurt with live cultures to improve digestion or charcoal to your dogs diet.
Although many older dogs do benefit from having an elevated feeding dish, if your dog is prone to bloat and gas, you may want to consider an alternative. While a raised dish allows more comfort to the neck and back, it has been associated with causing bloat in certain breeds. Discuss this further with your veterinarian if you have concerns as to which type of dish is best for your dog.
Keep older dogs calm. Hyperventilating causes extreme intakes of air. Talk with your veterinarian about giving your dog simethecone (an over-the-counter gas remedy) during stressful situations.
Copyright 2006 Dave Eckholm
OdorousTag :
Bloat and Flatulence in Senior Dogs
Examine A Feminine Odor Treatment That Works far more
There are many embarrassing issues that can happen to a woman's body but none are more embarrassing than odor. When feminine odor strikes, it turns a woman's entire world upside down. She used to be such a confident woman, but now she just wants to hide away from the world. If you are a woman who is living with vaginal odor, then you desperately need a cure.
A lot of women go to the doctor's in order to get relief. They wait for hours upon hours to see a doctor who is just going to prescribe them either a pill or a messy cream. These are two options that don't sound very appealing to you. You are looking for a solution that is going to be all natural for your body and that is safe to take. Plus, you aren't willing to spend all of that money on products either.
You need a feminine odor treatment that works. You need something that is going to help to get rid of your odor today so you can finally get your life back. Thankfully, there are some options available to you and they don't involve a prescription either. A great way to get rid of this odor is to take a hot bath in salt water. This natural remedy helps to get rid of the odor fast. The hot water soothes away any irritation that you may have been living with, while the salt water works to kill the bacteria that are causing this smell to arise from you. Finally, you can live odor free.
Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!
You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.
A Feminine Odor Treatment That Works
Go through Getting Rid of the Acrobat Ant in Three Easy Steps a lot more
Acrobats are actually a group of several species of small to medium-sized ants. Named the acrobat ant because of the way they carry their abdomens above the rest of the body as if they were conducting a balancing act.
around a 1/8th of an inch long
color: varies from yellowish brown to dark brown
heart-shaped abdomen is usually darker than the rest of the body
when threatened: the workers raise their abdomens
the species do produce winged, reproductive "swarmer" adults in the fall to reproduce and start new colonies
Finding their nests:
Outdoor nests may be found in:
damp soil beneath leaf or stones
dead trees limbs
decaying wood
hollow tree cavities
Indoor Nests may be found inside:
foam insulating boards or sheathing
wood kept damp with water leaks
Note: Sawdust may develop as they excavate their nest as a sign of where it is
1. Remove nesting material outdoors when possible. Acrobat ants live in decaying trees, logs, branches, stumps, mulch, leaves, foam board, wall voids, old carpenter ant or termite nest, or any natural or man-made void. In order to prevent natural launching points for the little critters, remove all dead and decaying wood on the property. If you suspect that they are living in leaves or mulch, get rid of them as well. Trim back shrubs around the house since acrobat ants like to stay under cover when possible to avoid poaching by airborne predators. This will create a sunlight barrier between you and the ants.
2. Find the colony. Usually you can follow the trail of worker ants back to the colony. But if the trail is not obvious, take a piece of one inch squared aluminum foil or construction paper and put some sweet treats on it like honey or maple syrup. Make two or three, place them where you think the ants are getting into the house, and wait for the line to form. Repeat until you can follow a trail back to the nest. If you suspect the nest is in your walls, repeat the process indoors until you find their front door.
3. Pick your poison. Acrobat Ants do not seem to respond well to a lot of regular ant baits. They are a little too street smart. We recommend using Cypermethrin products. They can be dusted around the point of entry for the nest for harder surfaces. And when the nest is found in softer surfaces like mulch and leaves, liquid Cypermethrin products are the way to go. This will begin to kill the worker ants, which will disrupt the food, supply and will in turn, kill the entire colony.
Finally: Cover their tracks. Make sure that you cut off entry points into your house whenever possible. Using either Chalk or Baby Powder to confuse them ants by breaking their scent trails. Simple put down the non-corn starch baby powder anywhere they have been crawling on a horizontal surface or draw circles of chalk around any entry point on vertical surfaces. They little critters will either curl and drop upon contact or turn around, never to return.
For more information on getting rid of ants, please visit our website. Good luck!
Ken Mafli is a Washington State native and online content writer. For more information on getting rid of ants, please visit our website.
Getting Rid of the Acrobat Ant in Three Easy Steps
Odorous House AntsStudy Advice on How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus Forever far more
Everyone would like to know how to get rid of nail fungus forever. This infection is also referred to as onychomycosis, is an infection that occurs due to mold, fungus or bacteria negatively affecting the nail bed between your toe nails or finger and the skin on the underside. It is actually common to get nail fungus from time to time, and this probably why you might want to get rid of it for good.
The common symptoms include brittle and crumbling nails, thickened nails, discoloration, misshapen appearance, an odorous smell, and separation of the nail from the nail bed. For you to eliminate it effectively, it's always a good idea to practice some home methods together with a prescribed or natural treatment for the infection.
To get rid of nail fungus forever, the key is to maintain healthy nails while treating them. Don't wait for your nails to go bad before doing something. First, have a balanced diet. When your body has the proper vitamins and nutrients (especially vitamin C, B5 and E), it can better fight against infections, including nail infections. You should also exercise regularly to further strengthen your body's defenses. In addition, practice daily hygiene by thoroughly cleansing and drying the affected nail at least two times a day and prior to using any antifungal treatment.
To get rid of nail fungus forever, it is important to stick to your treatment regimen. Curing the infection for good simply requires the right treatment as well as preventative measures.
OdorousLooking for lateral file cabinets for your home office? Discover the latest deals on wood file cabinets online.
Advice on How to Get Rid of Nail Fungus Forever
Read Five Ant Species You NEVER Want To See In Your Home extra
Currently, there are about 700 different species of ant living throughout North America - and each has its own preferences in habitat, food, behaviors, and more. Because of the diversity of the species, and the fact that each has its own set of survival skills many pest inspectors are calling "ants", collectively, the number one pest in the industry.
Fortunately, of these 700 species of ant, the majority of them do not prefer living in human habitats, and only a few dozen are likely to be found inside a home or other human residence, and many others (such as pavement ants) may only forage inside the home, while their nests are located outside.
That being said, there are a handful of ant species you absolutely do not want to find in the home - that can make life miserable for everyone living with them.
In particular, be wary of these five pest ant species:
1. Odorous House Ants: This is a moisture-loving species of ant that is often found in homes around hot water heaters and water pipes. Colonies of these pests can from 100-10,000 specimens.
Why They're Notorious: When crushed, these ants release a pungent, unpleasant odor - one that's generally described as smelling like rotten coconut.
2. White-Footed Ants: This is Asian-imported species is limited in range right now, with infestations concentrated to southern and central Florida. However, this species is already moving northwards and is expected to become a growing issue.
Why They're Notorious: These ants create vast colonies! A single colony can have several hundred queens, multiple subcolonies, and more than a million ants in a colony. Eliminating an entire colony can be quite the battle!
3. Argentine Ants: Argentine ants are a moisture-loving species, commonly located under logs, debris, mulch, and concrete slabs. During the cold season, they often move indoors, preferring sweets, fats, and oils for food.
Why They're Notorious: This species can grow their colonies to enormous sizes, with extremely large territories that can invade the home, outlying buildings, and even parked cars. Colonies can have multiple queens, many subcolonies, and colonies that number in the millions.
4. Pharaoh Ants: This ant is yellow-colored with a reddish abdomen, preferring to feed on grease and proteins. They're commonly found around baseboards and in wall voids, especially of the area is warm and damp.
Why They're Notorious: While their colonies are not generally as large as Argentine or White-Footed ants (up to 300,000 ants), studies have found that these ants can cross-contaminate surfaces with disease-causing bacteria. Pest sprays can actually prompt surviving worker ants to morph into queens, making the problem worse than ever!
5. Imported Fire Ants: These ants have red upper bodies and a dark brown or black abdomen. They readily eat a wide variety of foods, and build nests that represent large, round mounds of soil. Since they entered North America in the 1920s, these ants have spread rapidly, and currently infest more than 300 million acres of land.
Why They're Notorious: This is one serious pest! Fire ant stings are painful and cause swelling - and have been connected to at least 80 human deaths. To those allergic to their stings, symptoms include sweating, slurred speech, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and anaphylactic shock. On top of that, they've been found to be attracted to electrical fields, and can create a very real fire hazard in your home.
NAPCA (The North American Pest Control Alliance) is an international network of highly-qualified pest control experts that serve throughout North America.
Five Ant Species You NEVER Want To See In Your Home
Odorous House AntsGo through Learn How to Get Rid of Ants much more
Ants are tiny insects that live together in groups and create large colonies made of small pieces of dirt often called ant hills. Separate areas designated for different activities such as food storage exist inside a colony. Most ant hills are built near buildings or grassy knolls. Typically, they will migrate towards areas with soil because of easy access to dirt, which aids in building the colony. Ant colonies can also be found inside homes and are difficult to get rid of if proper techniques are not used. For the most part, they stay outside, but do set up colonies inside homes in search of food and water. Ants usually crawl into homes through cracks, through open windows, and underneath doors. Proper pest control is essential to eliminating infestation.
Methods on how to get rid of ants are easy and affordable to do on your own. Because some ants are small and other ants even smaller, they may be hard to notice crawling through thin cracks. Be sure to seal any cracks inside and outside the home to avoid the trickling in of any ants in search for edible items to sustain their colony.
Another method on how to get rid of ants includes spraying insecticides or spreading ant bait around the colony. The ants will die when they come into contact with the spray and the residue from the spray will kill other ants that crawl towards the area. Ant bait is a useful tactic because they have high toxicity and have a higher chance of getting rid of ants completely. Bait will be more effective with ants that are particular about what they eat versus those are not because the bait comprises of a smaller portion of their food. If aerosol insecticides and ant bait don't get rid of ants within a couple of weeks, contact a professional to eradicate ants with a chemical treatment.
Alex Schmidt regularly writes about pest control for http://www.pestexterminator.com, a site about do-it-yourself pest control and professional pest control tips. To learn more about ants pest control in your area visit http://www.pestexterminator.com/ants-states.
Learn How to Get Rid of Ants
Odorous House AntsUnderstand Tips for Spring Pest Control and Prevention a lot more
Spring in Portland brings cherry blossoms and song birds, as well as unwanted houseguests and nasty pests. The first step in spring pest management is to predict what critters you will be dealing with and take preventative measures. Here are five pests Portland pest control experts see during spring and ways to prevent them.
1. Ants
For Northwest homeowners, spring is when ant populations explode. Carpenter ants are one of the biggest pest control problems, since they can tunnel through wood and cause structural damage to your home. Odorous house ants, aka "sugar ants," are more nuisance than anything, but they are hard to get rid of since they can divide their nests and start new colonies around your home.
Pest control for ants requires both eliminating the nest and taking preventive measures, such as removing any food or water sources. Think twice before using commercial bug sprays to kill individual ants, as this can irritate the nest and make the problem worse.
2. Box Elder Bug
Box elder bugs, aka garage beetles or maple bugs, are a big Portland pest control problem. These black and red insects damage house plants and property, and stain curtains and walls with excrement. Box elder bugs enter your home in autumn, hibernate in undisturbed areas, and emerge in significant numbers in spring.
The best pest management method is to prevent them from getting inside. Warm air currents attract these pests, so install weather stripping and seal up cracks around doors, window frames, and along the roofline where utility wires or pipes enter the house. A Portland pest control technician can assist you in identifying and eliminating access points.
3. Bed Bugs
The US has recently seen a huge resurgence in bed bugs. These nasty bugs aren't harmful, but are a tremendous nuisance and carry a huge social stigma. They spread easily and are extremely hard to get rid of. Adult bed bugs can remain inactive and go without food for a year, so bed bugs don't hibernate, but lay low during winter. When the temperature rises, so does their feeding.
Bed bugs are a significant Portland pest control problem, and you should contact a professional pest management company at the first sign of infestation. The longer you wait, the harder it is to get rid of them.
4. Rodents
If you don't prepare, squirrels, rats, raccoons, mice and other rodents will claim your crawl spaces as their own. Due to a particularly rainy spring, Portland pest control experts expect larger than normal rodent populations this year.
To prevent rodent pest control problems, be sure to trim vegetation and pull weeds, as plant growth provides a natural food source for rodents. Other common pest management tactics include sealing entrance points and keeping a clean house. If you have a rodent problem, call a professional pest control company.
5. Starlings
No bird in the Portland area causes more problems for homeowners than the starling. Starlings breed from January to June, and they feed and roost in flocks, causing filth, noise, odors and even health concerns like fungal respiratory disease. Getting rid of a bird pest control problem such as starlings or pigeons isn't easy; Portland homeowners might need the assistance of a professional pest management company.
Protect your home and prevent pest infestations with the help of a professional integrated pest management company. For more advice, contact Eden Advanced Pest Technologies, a Portland, OR pest control company.
Tips for Spring Pest Control and Prevention
Understand Keeping Ants Out of the Kitchen more
One of the most common pest control problems is ants. Ant invasions usually begin with that one lone ant that sneaks into your home and looks around to identify available food sources. Once he has identified a source, off he goes back to his colony to round up the troops. Ant control starts with the first ant. If you ignore that first ant you can be assured that more will follow.
Types of Household Ants
There are various types of household ants that you can find hiding in your kitchen. Common household ants are sugar ants, odorous house ants, carpenter ants, Argentine ants, Pharaoh ants and more. The kind of ants that you find in your kitchen could depend on the area that you live in. In the case of some, they could be part of a super colony that stretches through your neighborhood.
Household ants can be very difficult to deal with because there are usually several nests with various queens. You may have these pests in your home before you are aware of them. It is important to have the type of ant that has infiltrated your home identified correctly because each ant has its own characteristics. Your pest control professional can identify the ant and decide on the best course of action.
How to Prevent Ant Invasions
The easiest way to keep ants out of your home is to make sure that there is not any food left out, the counters and appliances in your home are wiped clean and that all foodstuffs are tightly sealed. Fix leaky faucets to interrupt their water source. Once a scout ant finds a food or water source, they leave a pheromone trail back to their home. The trail will lead the other ants back to the source and now you have been invaded. Use a mixture of 50% water and 50% vinegar and wipe away the ant trail. By doing this, you can temporarily break up their ability to find their way into your kitchen. If you can, save a couple of ants to show your pest control technician so that they can quickly identify the type of ant that they are dealing with.
How to Rid Your Home of Ants
Ants can be very difficult to get rid of because by the time you see your first ant they usually have a full grown colony developed. You may deter them from one entry point but it won't be long before they find another. Usually a professional pest control company can rid your home of ants effectively in a few visits. Sometimes for larger infestations it could take longer. It can be time-consuming and frustrating to try to keep these pests out of your kitchen. While there are many home remedies to choose from, many times it can be a losing battle against a well-organized and determined army of ants. Call your pest control specialist and win the battle.
Successfully eradicating ants or other pests requires some knowledge of their likes, dislikes and habits. The safety of your family is important and choosing to use a qualified pest control specialist is the first step to ensuring that the products that are used are not harmful to humans or pets but also effective.
Brandon Pelfrey is the owner of Team Pest USA, an Atlanta pest control company. Family owned and operated since 1971, Team Pest USA also offers Atlanta mosquito control, termite treatments, and wildlife removal. Learn more about Atlanta mosquito control at http://www.pestusa.com/atlanta-pest-control/atlanta-mosquito-control/