Understand Tips for Spring Pest Control and Prevention a lot more

Odorous House Ants

Spring in Portland brings cherry blossoms and song birds, as well as unwanted houseguests and nasty pests. The first step in spring pest management is to predict what critters you will be dealing with and take preventative measures. Here are five pests Portland pest control experts see during spring and ways to prevent them.

1. Ants

For Northwest homeowners, spring is when ant populations explode. Carpenter ants are one of the biggest pest control problems, since they can tunnel through wood and cause structural damage to your home. Odorous house ants, aka "sugar ants," are more nuisance than anything, but they are hard to get rid of since they can divide their nests and start new colonies around your home.

Pest control for ants requires both eliminating the nest and taking preventive measures, such as removing any food or water sources. Think twice before using commercial bug sprays to kill individual ants, as this can irritate the nest and make the problem worse.

2. Box Elder Bug

Box elder bugs, aka garage beetles or maple bugs, are a big Portland pest control problem. These black and red insects damage house plants and property, and stain curtains and walls with excrement. Box elder bugs enter your home in autumn, hibernate in undisturbed areas, and emerge in significant numbers in spring.

The best pest management method is to prevent them from getting inside. Warm air currents attract these pests, so install weather stripping and seal up cracks around doors, window frames, and along the roofline where utility wires or pipes enter the house. A Portland pest control technician can assist you in identifying and eliminating access points.

3. Bed Bugs

The US has recently seen a huge resurgence in bed bugs. These nasty bugs aren't harmful, but are a tremendous nuisance and carry a huge social stigma. They spread easily and are extremely hard to get rid of. Adult bed bugs can remain inactive and go without food for a year, so bed bugs don't hibernate, but lay low during winter. When the temperature rises, so does their feeding.

Bed bugs are a significant Portland pest control problem, and you should contact a professional pest management company at the first sign of infestation. The longer you wait, the harder it is to get rid of them.

4. Rodents

If you don't prepare, squirrels, rats, raccoons, mice and other rodents will claim your crawl spaces as their own. Due to a particularly rainy spring, Portland pest control experts expect larger than normal rodent populations this year.

To prevent rodent pest control problems, be sure to trim vegetation and pull weeds, as plant growth provides a natural food source for rodents. Other common pest management tactics include sealing entrance points and keeping a clean house. If you have a rodent problem, call a professional pest control company.

5. Starlings

No bird in the Portland area causes more problems for homeowners than the starling. Starlings breed from January to June, and they feed and roost in flocks, causing filth, noise, odors and even health concerns like fungal respiratory disease. Getting rid of a bird pest control problem such as starlings or pigeons isn't easy; Portland homeowners might need the assistance of a professional pest management company.

Protect your home and prevent pest infestations with the help of a professional integrated pest management company. For more advice, contact Eden Advanced Pest Technologies, a Portland, OR pest control company.

Tips for Spring Pest Control and Prevention